Today, i dont have any class...
just staying at home, make some revision on discrete math and doing some paper seminar that not finish yet.. so much to do with the paper..
Yesterday, i have sit stat analysis test.. just got a little preparation. i think i can do on the test, but i dont know whether the answer is correct or not.. hehe..
so far, i feel release coz i can answer.
Boring rasanya ni.. sbb tu layan blog nih.. ada gak mende yg nk dicatit kt sini..
sambil2 surfing resources yg boleh di tambah dlm paper seminar.. hehe..
sambil2 tu menambah baikkan my blog2 yg ade ni..
sambil2 surfing resources yg boleh di tambah dlm paper seminar.. hehe..
sambil2 tu menambah baikkan my blog2 yg ade ni..
owh ya, something that bother me with my pc ni.. skang ni lembap semacam je my pc..
padahal dh install spyware terminator, tp makin lembap lak.. terus uninstall spyware terminator tu.. skang ni pakai lak webroot spy sweeper.. trial versionnye.. huhu.. ntah.. confuse lak nk guna anti spyware apa..
padahal dh install spyware terminator, tp makin lembap lak.. terus uninstall spyware terminator tu.. skang ni pakai lak webroot spy sweeper.. trial versionnye.. huhu.. ntah.. confuse lak nk guna anti spyware apa..
0 bla bla bla:
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